The power cutter is an essential, if not essential, tool for carpentry or assembly work. Whether you are a professional or a simple handyman, there is always a model to suit your needs. The question is how to identify it and not get lost in all the choices that the market offers.

How to choose the saw?

 The first thing to do when it comes to choosing a cutting tool is to remember what it will be useful for. Sawing implements are tools that consist primarily of blades covered with teeth, and are used to make a cut in a specific material. To successfully identify the one that suits your needs, you need to check four essential points:
  • Cut quality: cut quality refers to the number of teeth that make up the cutting tool. In other words, when your material is made up of several teeth, its cut is fine and clean. On the other hand, if it does not have enough teeth, the cut is less clean and imprecise;
  • The dimensions of the object to be cut: these allow you to make a reasonable choice about which tool to use;
  • The material that constitutes the object to be cut: you should know that depending on whether it is a specific material (wood, metal, plastic, ceramic, concrete) there is a cutting tool that is suitable for it
  • The type of cut: always to reduce your list of choices and choose the ideal material, you must consider the type of cut for which it is intended (straight, bevelled, curved or angular cut).
Beyond these criteria, it is also necessary to select the model of your cutting instrument. Indeed, there are several models of sawing devices: manual, electric, stationary or portable.

A manual or electric cutter

In a simplified way, these two tools are used to cut in a mass of material. However, there is a difference between the two. Indeed, the manual cutter is ideal for DIY jobs that you will only have to do periodically. The limitation with this tool is that it has manual operation. It will therefore not be able to ensure a clean and fine cut. Also, it requires a lot of physical energy from the user. However, electrically operated equipment offers many more possibilities. This will allow you to cut with precision and speed. In short, since it is electric, you no longer spend a lot of energy cutting. Also, there are chainsaws that allow you to make certain specific cuts. It expands your possibilities and helps expand your creativity. The electric cutter is mainly used for major jobs such as laying parquet in a home for example.

A stationary or portable power cutter

 Stationary and power cutters are variants of the electric cutter. As their names suggest, one is fixed and the second is transportable. The stationary or stationary cutter is a tool found in a workshop and which is used on site for any cutting operation. On the other hand, the portable electric one can be carried on a site and therefore helps to save time and efficiency. In addition, stationary power cutters are now equipped with batteries. As you will no doubt understand, there is no longer any need to mess around with cables on the job site. In this way, the device becomes more manoeuvrable and can be used on the job site even in the absence of a power source.  However, be aware that power cutters equipped with batteries are less efficient than those equipped with a cable. A very simple reason is that the batteries have a range which decreases over time. You will therefore have to prepare yourself accordingly, as it would be unfortunate to find yourself waiting to recharge your battery before resuming work.